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I did my third master thesis as a host student at the GIGA-R (BIO3 research team) in Liege.
Title : « The impact of correlated genetic markers on large-scale DNA based gene-gene interaction studies ».
Here is my Biostatistics / Bioinformatics Master thesis in PDF format.

My PhD research topic addresses the computational modeling of protein synthesis by ribosomes.
Title : « Protein synthesis by ribosomes. Agent-based modeling of mRNA translation rates incorporating tRNAs modifications effects ».

Translational regulation through synonymous codon usage has been recently shown to play an important role in health and disease. Modified tRNAs are important actors involved in regulating protein expression levels by optimizing the decoding of differentially used codons, nevertheless their contribution in protein synthesis dynamics remain unclear. Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP) models have been used to quantify the transcripts translation rates by ribosomes. Our work aims at extending TASEP modeling to accommodate for tRNA modifications effects. We will generate a computational stochastic model quantifying protein synthesis rates. The algorithm uses ribosome residence time per codon from transcripts codons sequences, relative transcripts abundance and tables of (modified or not) tRNA relative abundance. Important features in the model include the elongation rate variation caused by charged amino-acids in the ribosomal exit tunnel, proline ring opening delay at the peptide transfer center and transcript secondary structure slow down effects. The model allows to compare relative protein expression levels as well as RiboSeq profiles in different scenarios with a controllable pool of ribosomes. We intend to use our model to help understand how codon usage and tRNA modifications dynamically interact and impact on protein synthesis. The ultimate purpose of the work is to understand how the translational control through codon usage and tRNA tuning influence local protein structure possibly leading to changes in functional specific activity, aggregation, autophagy or proteasomal degradation. The results of this work will possibly help the development of targeted therapies against melanomas.

Supervisor & co-supervisor:

Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Biochemistry and Computational Biology

Joiret, M., Kerff, F., Rapino, F., Close, G., Geris, L. Reversing the relative time courses of the peptide bond reaction with oligopeptides of different lengths and charged amino acid distributions in the ribosome exit tunnel. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 23, pp.2453-2464, 2024.
For access to the paper, click here.

Joiret, M., Kerff, F., Rapino, F., Close, G., Geris, L. A simple model of the electrostatics environment around the catalytic center of the ribosome and its significance for the elongation cycle kinetics. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 21, pp.3768-3795, 2023.
For access to the paper, click here.

Joiret, M., Leclercq, M., Lambrechts, G., Rapino, F., Close, P., Louppe, G., Geris, L. Cracking the genetic code with neural networks. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 6, 59, 1128153, 2023.
For access to the paper, click here.

Joiret, M., Rapino, F., Close, P., Geris, L. A simple model of the electrostatics environment around the catalytic center of the ribosome and its significance for the elongation kinetics. Poster at CSHL meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, Sep 06-10, 2022.
For open access to the poster, click here.

Joiret, M., Kerff, F., Rapino, F., Close, P., Geris, L. Ribosome exit tunnel electrostatics. Physical Review E 105(1), 014409, 2022.
For access to the paper, click here.

Joiret, M., Rapino, F., Close, P., Geris, L. Ribosome exit tunnel electrostatics. Poster at EMBO Workshop, Heidelberg, Sep 07-10, 2021.
For open access to the poster, click here.

Zappia, J., Joiret, M., Sanchez, C., Lambert, C., Geris, L., Muller, M., Henrotin, Y. From translation to protein degradation as mechanisms for regulating biological functions: A review on the SLRP family in skeletal tissues. Biomolecules, 2020.
For open access to the paper, click here.

Joiret, M., Rapino, F., Close, P., Geris, L. mRNA translation rate modeling with an extended TASEP incorporating tRNAs modifications. Poster at EMBO Workshop, Heidelberg, Sep 04-07, 2019.
For open access to the poster, click here.

Joiret, M., Mahachie John, J.M., Gusareva, E.S, Van Steen, K. Confounding of linkage disequilibrium patterns in large scale DNA based gene-gene interaction studies. BioData Mining, 2019.
For open access to the paper, click here.

All publications: click here.

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GitHub account: MasterCube click here.